Interior Decoration Fabric SelectionWindow Furnishings DesignFurniture Selection & DesignColour PlanningRug Selection and DesignLighting SelectionSelection of decorative itemsStylingSelection of furnitureFurniture layouts Interior paint colours Soft furnishings, including custom bedheads, bedding, cushions and lampshadesLightingCustom window treatmentsCustom upholstery and re-upholsteryRug sourcing including custom designsArtwork sourcing and arrangement Fabric SelectionFurniture SelectionRug SelectionSelection of decorative itemsStylingFurniture layouts Interior paint colours Soft furnishings, including custom bedheads, bedding, cushions and lampshadesLightingCustom window treatmentsCustom upholstery and re-upholsteryArtwork sourcing BOOK IN CONSULTATION BOOK IN CONSULTATION